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A smart shirt can measure lung functions and coach the wearer on behaviour. Users range from people with COPD, Asthma or long-COVID to speech and language difficulties.

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What is the LungShirt?

This smart shirt can measure respiration and transmit the captured data to the user via a mobile app. Also, healthcare professionals can be given safe access to the collected data from daily life in order to create a safety net around the patient and to increase the feeling of safety and self-management. With QUAD Industries, Kinetic Analysis combined data science and printed electronics expertise to create several iterations of the LungShirt. All facets of the shirt have been established in co-creation with the user group. The shirt is created from breathing bamboo that can be worn under everyday clothing. It has the highest comfort on the market and is washable over 50 cycles in a washing machine.

Real-World data about lung health

This LungShirt is developed as a platform that can address multiple markets. Several studies show that smart clothing can effectively help to reduce hospital stays. Consequently, showing that in addition to the positive impact on quality of life, economic gains can also be achieved in the healthcare system. With this LungShirt, the patient can not only be discharged from the hospital earlier but can also be coached remotely. The smart shirts can facilitate breathing exercises with real-time biofeedback. The remote use of data from the shirt also allows a group of vocal coaches to enrich their training sessions.

Project date: 2019 - ongoing

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